据说第一天领导就概括了这里的3F生活:fly, fight, f***。冷战思维导致这些飞行员针对神秘的MiG普遍过分训练,但电影里这种邂逅也真有点扯。麻木的结果就是觉得阿汤周围哪位都比他可爱;航母上起降看得真燃;Take My Breath Away永远的经典
Replay in 40's America of the age-old confrontation between Light & Darkness, Truth and Lie, Good and Evil. The dreamy & pure-hearted, after pouring her soul in a sweet illusion, awakes from her whimsical fantasy after a first Shadow is casted. The mask of deceit, hiding the ugliness of a whole person within, gets pulled off by the white hands of the maiden. The revelation of the true identity cannot be made public, as the ties of the imposter may tarnish the reputation of the family. The villain, after repeated attempts to get rid off our hero, fails and falls into an abyss from which he cannot do any more harm. The true story remains a secret, unknown to all but the main protagonists
想说的太多了,整部电影的基调都是压抑而悲情的,看完后心里很难受 印象最深的是小豆子总是说错的那句戏词“我本是男儿郎又不是女娇娥” 程蝶衣长久的活在痛苦里,对戏的痴迷是他的认命也是对现实的逃避,他是被逼成了女娇娥,这其中有多少的身不由己,唯有活成真虞姬,他才能成全自己 而相比段小楼的虚伪懦弱,菊仙则是个性情中人,都说“婊子无情,戏子无义”,可这“婊子”却最是有情有义 还想多说一句,这是一部不可多得的好电影,值得一看再看,细细品味,里番神器真的非常喜欢